Want to be a tutor
Why choose BRIGHT Tutors for a tutoring job in Pakistan?

No LARGE commissions
Regardless of the class or subject, we just deduct a small commission from the first month’s price for each student assigned. Teachers at Bright Tutors are in charge of their own tuition revenue. We never tamper with the salary any more. Tutors will be paid directly by students or their parents.

instructors for entrance exams
At Bright Tutors, we provide traditional instruction in addition to hiring online and in-home tutors for admission exams to both domestic and international colleges. Come teach courses on the IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, GRE, GED, NTS, MCAT, ECAT, and other exams to help students get into the colleges of their dreams.

recently graduated
Additionally, Bright Tutors is pleased to extend an invitation to qualified recent graduates to join our tutoring panel. We support your attempts to earn money and would rather be the first to guide you through the tutoring process while raising the bar for education across Pakistan.
BTA google form need to be filled. Link is below
BTA staff will take a look at teachers profile and then after selection Whatsapp you the registration number and rules.
Teachers after receiving registration number on whatsapp can send Documents on same chat or email us brightacademy000@gmail.com
After checking Docs a registered teachers Whatsapp group link will be forwarded to tutors from that group tutors can apply on tuitions.
Terms and Conditions for Registered Tutors (MUST READ CAREFULLY PLEASE) to be considered before applying for tutoring Job
Dear candidates, Assalamulaikum. thanks for your interest in applying tutor jobs with the Bright Tutors Academy-Pakistan. Kindly read the terms and conditions of ‘Bright Tutors Academy’ to avoid misunderstanding or unpleasant scenarios, at any later stage. We sincerely believe that you must go through it thoroughly, understand and clarify the doubts, before registering with us.
By registering, you accept that you are entering into a contract with us based on these Terms and Conditions.
1. Membership is valid for 12 months only ; every Tutor has to renew his/her membership every six months if he/she wants to continue getting tuitions by Bright Tutor Academy.
2. if the tuition comes out to be of one month or any other limited time for which the fee is paid only once by the parents then academy’s commission will be reduced from 50% to 30% subjected to tutor’s demand.
3. Every tuition detail is AMANAT/Liabilities for Tutors. After taking contact details, If Tutor leaves the tuition, he/she has to return it to the academy by proper information; he/she can’t exchange/handover it to any other person.
4. If the salary of Tutor is increased by any mean, he/she has to honestly pay half of the increased amount only for the first month of increment.
5. For betterment of Academy, rules can be modified at anytime about which tutor will be informed as per requirement.
6. Academy will not be responsible for any mishap happening between tutor and client.
7. A tutor who is willing to join Bright Tutors Academy must not involve in any such business at his own on commission basis otherwise he can’t continue tutoring under the umbrella of this academy.